Price Matters
Price matters when making investments. Risk is not a function of asset quality alone.
Average Annual Return vs. Compound Annual Growth Rate
Beware of operators inflating their returns by promoting high “average annual returns.”
Interview with REtipster
Chuck talks about how Meridian partners with investors and covers details around subdivisions.
Why People Sell Land at a Discount
Investors are often curious to know why people are willing to sell us land at a discount. Here's why...
Creating Value with Subdivisions
Subdividing land creates more useable and affordable parcels, which adds value, mitigates risk, and provides upside for our investors.
10 Due Diligence Tasks for Successful Land Acquisitions
Much of our success stems from the due diligence processes we've built around acquiring the right properties for our fund.
Lending Lessons Across 250+ Land Deals
We’ve originated over 100 real estate-backed notes and have learned a lot about managing a portfolio of loans.